infinity plus

infinity plus: titles by author: Lisa Tuttle

infinity plus: quintet infinity plus: quintet by Garry Kilworth, Lisa Tuttle, Neil Williamson, Stephen Palmer and Eric Brown (compiled by Keith Brooke)
Five stories from top writers of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy and the downright strange, stories from the heart, stories to make you think and wonder. (...more)
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Closet Dreams Closet Dreams by Lisa Tuttle
Something terrible happened to me when I was a little girl... (...more)
Ebook: Amazon US - Amazon UK - Barnes and Noble - Kobo - Apple - Smashwords - Weightless Books
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Lizard Lust Lizard Lust by Lisa Tuttle
An ordinary woman is torn from her normal life and thrust into a weird alternate reality where the power to structure relationships, and even to travel between worlds, resides in the living bodies of small green lizards. (...more)
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The Bone Flute The Bone Flute by Lisa Tuttle
A planet where love once experienced can never die. Nebula Award-winning fiction. (...more)
Ebook: Amazon US - Amazon UK - Barnes and Noble - Kobo - Smashwords - Weightless Books
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