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Fiction: Authors N to Z


 Linda Nagata
  • Hooks, Nets and Time. Zayder runs a shark farm in the South China Sea. But he soon finds out that the owner has other uses for the shark station... [Size: 52Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Vera Nazarian
  • Dreams of the Compass Rose: The Miracles of Ris. Ris: the Bringer of Stillness and Water, the Bright-Eyed Liberator, the Mad Sovereign of Wisdom. But it is unknown whether Ris is god or demon, messiah or trickster, man or woman or child... [Size: 62Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Kim Newman
  • Coppola's Dracula. It's the 1970s and the first ever movie of Stoker's Dracula is being filmed in Romania. But what do the vampires think? A quick-firing and intelligent novella set in the alternate history of Newman's Anno Dracula. [Size: 114Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 1998 --
  • The McCarthy Witch Hunt ...quite literally. The McCarthy era may have singled out the entertainment industry, but its effects were far wider. An everyday story of Manhattan witches, the Second World War and gun-toting churchmen. [Size: 71Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1998 --
  • The Pierce-Arrow Stalled, and.... A history Twentieth Century cinema ... as it might easily have been. Short fiction with an afterword by the author. [Size: 37Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Stan Nicholls
  • Bodyguard of Lightning. An extract from the novel. Queen Jennesta is waiting, and she's not the patient type. So she has to entertain herself... (not for the faint-hearted). [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 1999 --
  • Throwing a Wobbly. Well, hello, big boy. A dark and funny story about a world where everything has changed for the bigger. [Size: 45Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Scott Nicholson
  • The Harvest. Had its instincts failed it? No: there were bacteria, protozoa, amino acids. Life. Food. An extract from the novel. [Size: 28Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2003 --
  • Metabolism. The city had eyes. It watched Elise from the glass squares set into its walls... No one ever escaped. [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Mike O'Driscoll
  • The Future of Birds. Life in paradise is Estela's reward; it is the way she profits from the disease. But the price of paradise can be high... Disturbing, explicit and very, very good. [Size: 70Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2000 --
  • A Soldier's Things. "Some, like Joe ... even when they run they have no choice: I seek them out and return them to the fold." [Size: 53Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Patrick O'Leary
  • Bat Boy. Until the day the boy brought home the bat, he had never surprised his father... A short and moving story about the awful weight of parental expectations. [Size: 20Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1998 --
  • Whensday. Opposites, time's direction and spelling. Another masterful, original miniature from Patrick O'Leary. [Size: 18Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Gene O'Neill
  • The Burden Of Indigo. The boy was all alone now, excited by his first trip outside the Shield, but also apprehensive. The night held much to fear... An extract from the novel. [Size: 49Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Jessica Palmer
  • Heavenly Bodies. 'Get a virgin,' the angel Gabriel had been told. But they're not so easy to find these days... [Size: 9Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Stephen Palmer
  • Flowercrash. How long will the cyborgs sleep? A thousand years, and when they wake they will re-mould society. An extract from the novel. [Size: 56Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2003 --
  • Hallucinating. The music has mutated over the last twenty years ... it has become something else. An extract from the novel. [Size: 47Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2004 --
  • Muezzinland: prelude. Two friends seeking a runaway sister ... but the Empress and her transputer shaman are after them and there agents could be anywhere. An extract from the novel. [Size: 61Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2002--
  • Muezzinland: Ouagadougou. A Ghanaian princess follows her runaway sister through an exotically transformed future Africa. A second extract from the novel. [Size: 34Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1997 --
  • Tales from the Spired Inn: The Green Realm Below. Kytanquil is a drifter, a misfit, but she's harmless nonetheless. So why do the mysterious inhabitants of the Garden want to see her? Destiny and gardening for post-humans. [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Paul Park
  • The Tourist. Everybody wants to see the future, but of course they can't. They get turned back at the border. Time travel sf from the author of Celestis and Soldiers of Paradise. [Size: 58Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Daniel Pearlman
  • Flies. She lay flat on her belly in a heap of decaying corpses -- a lucky survivor, some might say. And then, at night, she heard the voices... [Size: 62Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2001 --
  • The Heart of the Overchild. Cheri is pretty sure that her parents will win the appeal. They've assured her of that much. But it's Cheri's legal right to undergo the surgery if she chooses. [Size: 42Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Ursula Pflug
  • Python. While Faith is in New Orleans, for three weeks, she is black. It's only later she learns this is impossible. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2002 --
  • Trading Polaris. "You were gone. I was afraid I'd never see you again, for you'd disappeared into that yellow fog as though into a cloud that might carry you away..." [Size: 42Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Holly Phillips
  • A Woman's Bones. They came to dig up the bones, not to listen to words of warning... [Size: 57Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Paul Pinn
  • Backlash. The Torquoins are extinct, all apart from Blueflame, a 'servicer' in the shabbiest town on the planet. At least, so everyone thinks until the stranger comes to town. [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2001 --
  • Phlon Xi. In Phlon Xi the survivors of the epidemic make their home. In Phlon Xi the intelligence agencies' high tech surveillance technologies fail. And so Major Choy is sent in... [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Marianne Plumridge
  • Wormhole Magic. Unexpected visitors.... [Size: 41Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Gareth L Powell
  • Distant Galaxies Colliding. She will never again see the light of distant galaxies... [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2007 --
  • Six Lights off Green Scar. Sal Dervish, master of an old roulette ship, trying to forget. Always, trying to forget... [Size: 58Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Sue Rann
  • Looking for Mr Nobody. If he'd done it properly he'd have had back-up, an escape plan, at least. But now ... there was no way out. Except feet first, maybe. An extract from the sf/crime novel. [Size: 32Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Kit Reed
  • The Baby Merchant. You don't really want to know what Tom Starbird does. You don't care what he does, as long as he can help you. Starbird is your last hope... Novel extract. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2006 --
  • Bronze. On the surface, the Benedict place is picture-perfect Old South, but look beneath that surface and you'll find that things are much darker... Novel extract. [Size: 45Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2006 --
  • Freezing Geezers. Everybody wants to live forever, but in order to do this well you should always pre-die while still young and good looking. [Size: 32Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2007 --
  • The New You. The adverts promise all kinds of things, but can they promise happiness? A story from Kit's collection, Weird Women, Wired Women. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 1998 --
  • Old Soldiers. In the room across the hall the old soldier shouts, just as he has done for years... [Size: 52Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2005 --
  • Pilots of the Purple Twilight. The wives spent every day by the pool -- this was where the men had left them, after all. [Size: 38Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2003 --
  • Playmate. The little boy who plays with Danny is just so good. In fact, he's pretty much perfect. And he has a strangely powerful influence on Danny. [Size: 31Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2001 --
  • Thinner Than Thou. The Reverend Earl promised salvation and JM Devlin bit... welcome to Sylphania, AZ. [Size: 41Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2004--
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Alastair Reynolds
  • A Spy in Europa. To get to Europa you either had to be sickeningly rich or sickeningly poor. Vargovic's cover was the former... [Size: 63Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2001 --
  • Chasm City. Sky had never been in the freight bay before, and it could mean only one thing: they were going outside. An extract from Alastair Reynolds' second novel.. [Size: 51Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2001 --
  • Spirey and the Queen. There's a war going on -- a war that spans a galaxy and has lasted centuries. Spirey and Yarrow are on a mission: track down and destroy a rebel starship. Only things are never so simple in war... [Size: 72Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Chris Roberson
  • Red Hands, Black Hands. The skin around the stranger's eyes and mouth was pale in comparison to his sun-darkened cheeks and forehead. He must have been out on the high plains, where the air was still thin and where breather-masks and goggles were still a necessity. [Size: 56Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2006 --
  • Here, There and Everywhere. Neither belonged in this era, but she at least was welcome. She was a traveller, but he was a castaway, or worse, an invader. An extract from the novel. [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Adam Roberts
  • Balancing. An offer from the Devil with no strings attached? Pur-lease... [Size: 56Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2001 --
  • The Ice Submarine. Deep in the Antarctic ice, even their heat might give them away to Satanic Western satellites. The Captain must be cautious, even as the submarine's systems start to malfunction... [Size: 54Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2001 --
  • Salt. Shall I tell you the intimacy of living during the year of acceleration? The constant presence of other people, the lack of privacy such that privacy became a distantly remembered concept... An extract from a striking debut novel. [Size: 36Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2000 --
  • The Time Telephone. 'This is your mother, Marianne.' It's an expensive call ... a call from the past. [Size: 31Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2002 --
  • War of Another World. Pro-war or anti? Even the Martians aren't all behind the war effort... [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Mark Roberts
  • Sand in the Nanotech. He reached into the Assembler's guts and found only sand. The nanomachines were failing... [Size: 55Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Al Robertson
  • Golden. Broken relationship, the dotcom crash... Life could have been so different. Perhaps it still could.... [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Kim Stanley Robinson
  • A History of the Twentieth Century, with Illustrations. The Twentieth Century: an age of mass destruction and suffering. Frank Churchill: a historian, an author charged with summing up this period. A powerful reflection on what we have been, what we are and what we might become by one of SF's finest authors. [Size: 80Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Warren Rochelle
  • The Wild Boy. The tribal elders claimed they needed Lindauzi-speakers, but no-one dared speak it aloud. It was the speech of nightmares, of the furred monster aliens, the Human-killers. An extract from a debut novel. [Size: 38Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Bruce Holland Rogers
  • Don Ysidro. Some people put everything into their work. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2005 --
  • Half of the Empire. Lost in a strange town, all he wanted was a place to spend the night. [Size: 25Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2005 --
  • Recovering the Body. He has to fetch the body. That's what his mother told him. [Size: 15Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2005 --
  • Visions of Gingerbread. 'Tis the season to be jolly. And enlightened... [Size: 18Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Nicholas Royle
  • Flying into Naples. An old flame, a holiday in Naples ... dark passion in the shadow of Vesuvius. [Size: 37Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1997 --
  • The Cast. Weird happenings on -- and off -- the football pitch. [Size: 35Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1997 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  • Millennium Babies. The message was addressed to her by her former name, sent with unusually strict security... And it had something to do with the time of her birth: five minutes into the year 2000. An extract from the Hugo-shortlisted novelette. [Size: 59Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Richard Paul Russo
  • Just Drive, She Said. When she's holding a gun to your head, what else can you do? [Size: 47Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Geoff Ryman
  • Air. Mae lived in the last village in the world to go online. After that, everyone else went on Air. An extract from the novel. [Size: 60Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Richard Salsbury
  • The Aspirant. She wants to be just like the Rhymer, Artemis. And she'll go to any lengths... [Size: 47Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2001 --
  • Panaphasia. He called it the Panaphasia - a plague of silence. But why had he and Nathan been spared? [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Ron Savage
  • Nuns in Love. Sister Angelica has a pet raven and a thing about Edgar Allan Poe... A story that's both weird and oh-so-dark. [Size: 25Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Steven Savile
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Darrell Schweitzer
  • A Servant of Satan: a Gothic tale. Young Cunningham did it to prove his love for the beautiful Sophie-Marie Devereaux. He didn't think to wonder what stealing the skull may lead to... An essay about the writing of this novelette, The Story of a Revision, is available elsewhere on this site. [Size: 70Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Harry Shannon
  • Echo. The first time he heard it, the plaintive cry sounded like the wail of a tortured prisoner. [Size: 18Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Lucius Shepard
  • The Jaguar Hunter. Esteban has a debt, or rather, his wife has a debt. But there is a way to pay... [Size: 79Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 William Shunn
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Luís Filipe Silva
  • The Rodney King Global Mass Media Artwork. One day, suddenly, they were there, all over town, billboards bearing a single sentence: "Remember when we were free?" Science fiction from a Portuguese master of the peculiar. [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 William P Simmons
  • Telling Stories in the Dark. He raced through the house, locking and bolting the doors and windows, drawing the shades ... but the night would not be denied. [Size: 28Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 MPN Sims (and LH Maynard)
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Alison Sinclair
  • Assassin. Most cops would have dismissed it as just another suicide, but the evidence doesn't quite add up: is someone using the Net for murder? [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Sarah Singleton
  • Cassilago's Wife. All the hiker wanted was a place to pitch his tent for the night. But Cassilago's wife might have more to offer... [Size: 35Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2001 --
  • The Ravelling. Sometimes death is a release, but sometimes the dead themselves must be released. [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Martin Sketchley
  • The Destiny Mask. She had to look into the future, whatever the consequences... An extract from the novel. [Size: 16Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2006 --
  • The Liberty Gun. Captured by the Serriatts... how much to tell them and how much do they know? [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 David Alexander Smith
  • Dying in Hull. The city is sinking, but Ethel Endicott Cobb hangs on. How could she possibly leave? With an afterword by the author. [Size: 49Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Douglas Smith
  • The Boys Are Back in Town. The quiet little tavern served harpies, centaurs, fawns, cyclops and even the occasional twentieth century humans. Keeping it a quiet little tavern, and not a news feature, required special measures. [Size: 52Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2003 --
  • Going Harvey in the Big House. Big G's new cube was too big: he was used to sleeping in a drawer... And worse: he was starting his shift with a Harvey. [Size: 52Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2003 --
  • New Year's Eve. The Millennium Bug as it might well have happened. [Size: 54Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2002 --
  • The Red Bird. Asai was chosen by the Red Bird on the night the soldiers burnt his village. He was to be its thousandth defender. [Size: 47Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2002 --
  • Spirit Dance. Protests against loggers take a dark turn when innocents are killed and ancient spirits involved. Award-winning fantasy from a John W Campbell Award shortlisted author. [Size: 56Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Matt Spencer
  • The Face in the Flame. It was worth taking a detour through the woods to avoid being bust along with the local dealer... [Size: 51Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Brian Stableford
  • In the Flesh. It's Jennifer's birthday, so why should her mother worry when a strange boy brings her a present? A boy who seems to know Jennifer so well... [Size: 62Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2000 --
  • An Oasis of Horror. Charles Baudelaire took a deep breath and pressed the blade into his chest, prepared as it is possible to be for his own undeath. [Size: 58Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Charles Stross
  • A Colder War. Roger isn't a soldier. He's not much of a patriot, either. He's just scared when 20 pages of sheer terror land on his CIA desk. [Size: 101Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Tricia Sullivan
  • The Question Eaters. When you think in another language, the thoughts themselves are different. When the language belongs to another species the effect is more extreme... [Size: 34Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Anna Tambour
  • The Emperor's Backscratcher. At last: history has been defeated, all that could be done is done. But one problem remains... [Size: 35Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2005 --
  • Me-Too. Edward was an only -- 'Scientific Subclassification: Creative Diverse'. His parents should have known better... [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2001 --
  • Travels with Robert Louis Stevenson in the Cévennes. Words of wisdom come from the unlikeliest sources, if only we thought to listen. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2003 --
  • Temptation of the Seven Scientists. Seven scientists in search of a Great Theory - a magical tale of discovery. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2003 --
  • The Wages of Food-Play. Some people just won't appreciate the fruits of God's kitchen. [Size: 29Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Jeffrey Thomas
  • The Hate Machines. Cardiff owned two similar hate receptacles: his Whipping Boy at home and a newly purchased Scapegoat... A new Punktown story. [Size: 32Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2001 --
  • The Library of Sorrows. Nothing a murderer could tell MacDiaz in interview revealed so much as the decor of their apartment, he had found. Nothing could help him forget, either... [Size: 42Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Scott Thomas
  • Marcy Waters. Growing up in 19th century Massachusetts, they discover themselves and each other (and more) over what's left of the Indian graves. [Size: 15Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2001 --
  • The Wreck at Wickhampton. They found them beneath the cliffs: six corpses, washed up in a storm. But one of them ... she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. [Size: 30Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Sue Thomas
  • Correspondence. People often turn away from you in the street, but you can understand that. The aspects of your difference are incomprehensible to them, despite the fact that they are really very apparent. An extract from the Clarke Award-shortlisted novel. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 CS Thompson
  • Mercy. The tombstone reads, "Mercy Bonham. We Remember You." That's where they went wrong. [Size: 30Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Lavie Tidhar
  • Alienation and Love in the Hebrew Alphabet. Footsteps in the wet earth. Strange footsteps. She knows she shouldn't follow them... [Size: 30Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2005 --
  • The Breeding Grounds. The digital jungle is red in tooth and claw, but the real world can be, too. [Size: 34Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2004 --
  • Crucifixation. It was Jerusalem's greatest gift, and curse: liquefied religion. [Size: 18Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2006 --
  • The Gimatria of Pi. 3.141592... [Size: 24Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Karen Traviss
  • Star Wars Republic Commando: Triple Zero. An important lesson on the EasyRide. An extract from the novel. [Size: 15Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2006 --
  • The World Before. It was an extraordinarily awkward city: chaotic, disorderly and full of stairways. And it was to be the setting for an extraordinary encounter. An extract from the novel. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Mikal Trimm
  • The Voice of a Loved One. No planes now. No birthdays, no boyfriends, no graduation ... just a voice. [Size: 22Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Jack Vance
  • Green Magic. Black, white and purple magics were now widely accepted, but Howard Fair was taken aback to find reference to the 'green cycle' in Gerald McIntyre's notes... Had his great uncle wandered into regions overlooked by modern workers? [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Jeff VanderMeer
  • Balzac's War. In the far future, humankind fights a deadly war against their own bioneered creations who can bring back your loved one as a ghost in flesh-and-bone... Plus a specially written afterword. [Size: 103Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2000 --
  • Dradin, in Love. He saw her in a window, by accident, and he fell in love immediately. But how could he, a penniless ex-missionary, ever hope to woo her? A major feature to mark publication of City of Saints and Madmen: a complete novella plus a non-fiction piece on one of the inspirations for the Ambergris stories. [Size: 15Kb intro, then 192Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2002 --
  • Flight Is For Those Who Have Not Yet Crossed Over. In prison, all you have are your dreams... Short story with an afterword by the author, plus the Rhysling Award-winning poem which inspired the story. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1999 --
  • Ghost in the Machine. Living on, ghosts in the machine, they should be living books, vital links to the past. Instead: mere play things. Powerless. Almost... With a foreword explaining the story's connection to the novel, Veniss Underground. [Size: 471Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2003 --
  • A Heart for Lucretia. The story of a brother, a sister, and a Flesh Dog, and how two found a heart for the third. Plus a specially written afterword. [Size: 31Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 1999 --
  • Mahout. A powerful and moving story of man and beast -- a mahout and his elephant, Mary (she'd never hurt anybody before...). Plus a specially written afterword. [Size: 31Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 1998 --
  • Quin's Shanghai Circus. He always had artistic dreams. And in a world where children play with genetic playdoh, creating creatures that move and breathe, all is malleable, all is art. Far-future sf meets dark fantasy, mediated by VanderMeer's vivid, poetic imagination; with an afterword by the author. [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2000 --
  • Three Days in a Border Town. The border town manifested itself to you at the end of a second week in the desert. You could have ignored it as false... [Size: 64Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Jo Walton
  • At the Bottom of the Garden. A - thankfully short! - antidote to all those twee bed-time stories about flower fairies and pastel-coloured children. [Size: 13Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Freda Warrington
  • The Court of the Midnight King. Despite the protection of the Motherlodge, Katherine would have to take a husband. There could be no alternative... An extract from the novel. [Size: 86Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2004 --
  • Dracula the Undead. An extract from a novel written in tribute to mark the centenary of Stoker's Dracula. [Size: 12Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1997 --
  • Pagan Moon. Eirian is an ordinary girl, on the brink of womanhood; but she's also in touch with the mystical, the hidden. And she has powerful enemies... An extract from Freda's 12th novel. [Size: 13Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1997 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Ian Watson
  • Ahead!. It's a gamble: the cryogenic preservation of heads in the hope that somehow they will survive, somehow they will be revived. And it's a gamble with unknowable consequences. With a foreword written by the author. [Size: 28Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1998 --
  • Early, in the Evening. The whole history of the world and human evolution reversed within less than 3000 words, but with a sense of place and characters. Plus a specially written foreword. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1998 --
  • Mockymen. The aliens give us fusion, desalination, food factories, and what do they want in return? The works of Plato or Mozart or Leonardo? No, they want our nematodes. An extract from the novel. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Beth Webb
  • Ain't Never Dun It! Slagbellies always like a laugh, especially if they find out you've never done it before. [Size: 21Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Patrich Welch
  • Brendell: Rogue Thief. Sometimes a thief and his victim have much in common. [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2005 --
  • Cynnador. Cynnador, home of the fabled bazaar. A city with magic running through it and beneath it. Tread carefully. [Size: 66Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2003 --
  • Statue of Limitations. It was a contract nobody wanted - one that was probably impossible. They wanted him to steal the Weeping Nun. [Size: 36Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2002 --
  • Usurper. You don't jump fifteen stories and walk away. But where do you go? [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2006 --
  • Westchester Station: The Attendant. Brought here by someone he did not know for a purpose he was yet to discover... at least the Station had a men's room where he could freshen up. But what about the attendant? Standalone novel extract. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2001 --
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 Leslie What
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 Conrad Williams
  • The Bone Garden. Leaving home is never easy. But there are worse things... [Size: 18Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1999 --
  • London Revenant. How long since she'd set foot outside the flat...? An extract from the novel. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2004 --
  • The Scalding Rooms. When Rhind Shallows lost his footing and pitched into a vat of boiling pig fat, Junko Caine just wished it had been him instead... An extract from the novella. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2007 --
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 Neil Williamson
  • The Happy Gang. You'd think the trenches would be the worst it could be, wouldn't you? But you haven't met the Happy Gang... [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2005 --
  • Harrowfield. What had Harrowfield's recently-deceased owner been dabbling in, and just what would they find in the house's impressive library? [Size: 62Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2006 --
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 Connie Willis
  • Fire Watch. Sent back in time, stranded in the middle of the Blitz, a period of history he doesn't know... what is he doing here, and how will he survive? Winner of both the Hugo and Nebula awards for best novelette. [Size: 114Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2003 --
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 Andrew J Wilson
  • Speed Demons. A motorcycle race to hell and back... With an afterword by the author. [Size: 38Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2006 --
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 David Wingrove
  • Assimilation. Cricket on the village green, polite dinner parties ... it's all so terribly civilised. And, of course, there has to be something sinister behind it all. A tale of the far future, published here for the first time. [Size: 25Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1998 --
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 Ken Wisman
  • Eden. "In March of 1998, I was accidentally exposed to a powerful chemical substance that opened the door to my unconscious..." Extracts from the fiction/non-fiction hybrid, Eden. [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2004 --
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 Paul Witcover
  • Lighthouse Summer. The old lighthouse on Cape Henlopen exercised an irresistible allure. Young Mark just couldn't stay away... [Size: 75Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2005 --
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 Gene Wolfe
  • The Arimaspian Legacy. Boyhood friends, they were accustomed to sharing tall tales, but David's tallest tale was saved to the last... [Size: 20Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2003 --
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 Nick Wood
  • African Shadows. The astronaut who'd lost his soul was cold to the touch and there seemed to be nothing the old man could do for him. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2003 --
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 Sean Wright
  • Wicked Or What? With the thing in Layla's pocket she could do anything she wanted. Anything... An extract from the novel. [Size: 31Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2005 --
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 Jonathan Wylie
  • Magister. An extract from Wylie's magical new novel, plus an essay about the novel's inspiration by half a Wylie. [Size: 4Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 1997 --
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 Tamar Yellin
  • Eye of the Beholder. When you gaze deep into someone's eyes you never know what to expect. [Size: 36Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2005 --
  • Mr Applewick. It would be a big--and expensive--job, and one beset by unexpected developments. [Size: 38Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2006 --
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 George Zebrowksi
  • The Word Sweep. The words on the floor were as thick as leaves when Felix arrived at the party, but he had a job to do: someone has to police the yak ration. [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2002 --
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 David Zindell
  • Shanidar. A story of restoration and resurrection, of how the philosophers of this doomed city were both right and wrong. A major early novelette. [Size: 67Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2002 --
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 Zoran Zivkovic
  • Fingernails. Mr Prohaska had collected his fingernail clippings since the age of eight. That was the easy part.... [Size: 48Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2007 --
  • Hidden Camera. "How could I, a person who looks death in the face every day, be afraid of something in the dark, like a child left alone in a room without a light?" An extract from the novel. [Size: 48Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2005 --
  • Words. The collector of words finds beautiful things. [Size: 19Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2005 --
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© Keith Brooke 25 August 2007