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Fiction: Authors G to M


 David Garnett
  • Off the Track. Michael and Angela go looking for tourist trinkets in a world that nearly was. Short fiction with a specially written afterword about the unreliability of the printed word; plus a Drabble (a 100 word story), "The Spaceshop". [Size: 45Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1997 --
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 Mary Gentle
  • The Road to Jerusalem. Knight-lieutenant Tadmartin has won the Knights Templar's Unification Day tournament again. But that means a press conference, and questions about the Roanoke massacre: questions best left un-asked... [Size: 102Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2000 --
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 Nick Gifford
  • Erased. Someone is messing with Liam's world. All the rules have changed and his life has unravelled completely. He can't even trust his own memories. An extract from the novel. [Size: 28Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2006 --
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 Gary Gibson
  • Against Gravity. Hiding out in the jungle, trying to avoid the satellites and the approaching hurricane, trying to track down a remnant of the old US army... all in a normal day's work for Kendrick. An extract from the novel. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2005 --
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 Lisa Goldstein
  • The Narcissus Plague. Everyone's talking about themselves, and it's catching -- Nebula-nominated fiction from Lisa Goldstein. [Size: 22Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 1997 --
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 Phyllis Gotlieb
  • Among You. Another day, another face, for the alien forced to live among aliens, to pander to their needs and cope with their extremes. Lyrical and moving short sf from Phyllis Gotlieb. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2000--
  • Mindworlds. They're lumps of slime inside machines and they know everything about everyone - they can read minds. That makes it tricky to negotiate... An extract from the novel. [Size: 62Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2002--
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 Jason Gould
  • Double Negative. Attracted to opposites, driven to despair... Passion, betrayal and the laws of nature in a sensuous story from a rapidly rising dark fantasist. [Size: 27Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 1998 --
  • The Seven Wonders of the Modern World (Your Winning Entries). Come and explore the wonders of the Gallery of Narcissus, the never-ending rave of Fanaticus, the war museum to end all war museums... [Size: 51Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2000 --
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 John Grant
  • The Far-Enough Window, or The Reclaiming of Fairyland (illustrated by Ron Tiner). New Year, a fresh fall of snow, but still Joanna's father is away and she is alone with the housekeeper, the gardener and her dog in a house that no-one ever visits and she is never allowed to leave. But there's more to her existence than she realises... An extract from the novel. [Size: 69Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2002 --
  • Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie? In a city full of strangers, surely he wouldn't still feel like the perpetual outsider. [Size: 83Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2005 --
  • Mouse. Stranded on a planet where civilisation had died out millennia before ... the accident had maimed Makreed's foot and he had only the one they called Mouse to help him. [Size: 71Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2001 --
  • Qinmeartha and the Girl Child LoChi. As Joanna Gard is preparing to leave the village she senses that something has changed. Six months later, she returns to find that the change is progressing steadily: the place is starting to die. A chilling short fantasy novel from the author of Albion and The World. [Size: 26Kb introduction + 230 Kb complete]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2002 --
  • Wooden Horse. The highlight of his student days: those Monday afternoons in the cinema, watching the history of his world through old movies. [Size: 92Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2004 --
  • The World. An introduction and two excerpts from a very different, and significant, fantasy novel. [Size: 98Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Colin Greenland
  • A Passion for Lord Pierrot. A cool and elegant portrait of a gentleman scientist who has a way with women... A story from Colin's collection, The Plenty Principle, plus a specially written foreword. [Size: 49Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 1998 --
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 Nicola Griffith
  • Song of Bullfrogs, Cry of Geese. The road: Empty. As usual. It's almost two years since she'd seen anything but Jud's truck on Peachtree. With an afterword by the author. [Size: 51Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2007 --
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 Jon Courtenay Grimwood
  • Lucifer's Dragon. Razz is a virally-rewired bodyguard with attitude. Razz hasn't slept for three years and needs a constant supply of derms to keep her mentally stable. And Razz is getting stressed... An extract from the novel. [Size: 14Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 1998 --
  • End of the World Blues. What she'd seen inside his head clung to her like static, and he'd taken memories from her. Lady Neku could still feel the holes. An extract from the novel. [Size: 25Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2006 --
  • reMix. New Year's Day and LizAlec is on her way to St Lucius Academy, a single-sex, classically-structured boarding school based in its own full-gravity O'Neil colony. And then things start to go wrong... An extract from the new novel. [Size: 12Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Lauren Halkon
  • Night Seekers. The corpse was still there in the morning. It was female ... a goddess. An extract from the novel. [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2002 --
  • The Planter. Once there were as many people as there were trees. Now there is one. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2002 --
  • Waiting for Angels. The woman and her dog were looking at him. He could tell, even at a distance. He could feel it... [Size: 41Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Peter F Hamilton
  • The Naked God. Jay Hilton is recovering in hospital, but something is badly wrong. Surely not the possessed? Not here? An extract from the concluding volume of the Night's Dawn trilogy. [Size: 12Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1999 --
  • Softlight Sins. "Softlight: the total erasure of memory and behaviour patterns. Personality death." They used it as an experimental means of punishment for criminals, but sometimes experiments don't turn out as expected... [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 1998 --
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 Noel K Hannan
  • Bad Jihad. Killed in action in January, his body was delivered a month later: he was to become the perfect fighting machine. Illustrated by David Stephenson. [Size: 51Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2000 --
  • Camp 741. They are not people any more, but prisoners - sent by train to Camp 741, where the experiments begin... [Size: 48Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2002 --
  • Divide by Zero. Cyber-pickpockets, diverting tiny amounts of currency away from legitimate online payments -- nobody checks all their bills, after all. But then one day young Jason runs out of luck... Illustrated by Frazer Irving. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 1998 --
  • A Night on the Town. Miguel is a foolish, ill-informed, spoilt youth of the cyberscraper culture. It's Saturday night, and he's alone in the family apartment with the beautiful Maria Del Fuego. But what, exactly, does it take to turn her on? Artwork by Rik Rawling. [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1999 --
  • Thoughts on Life and Death from the Tarkaha. Communication between humans and aliens can be very difficult. Sometimes the aliens just won't understand... Original short story with artwork by Derek Gray. [Size: 16Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 1998 --
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 David A Hardy
  • Aurora. Trapped in the wreckage of their home: Dorothy, her son Stevie and baby Aurora ... just waiting for it all to collapse. But then ... something intervened. [Size: 22Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 M John Harrison
  • Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring. 'Every time I smell her body my heart lurches. Then Alexander did this irreversible thing to her, the thing she had always wanted, and now...' With an afterword by the author. [Size: 74Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2000 --
  • Light. Seria Mau flailed about inside her tank. She was blind. She was wrong-footed. She was terrified she would lose herself, and die, and not be anything at all. An extract from the novel. [Size: 24Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Guy Hasson
  • The Dark Side. When he awakes, there's a woman by his side. The question is ... how did she get there? He remembers. Oh yes, he remembers it clearly. He remembers three quite different explanations. [Size: 128Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2004 --
  • Her Destiny. He knew her before he met her. But sometimes it's possible to know too much... [Size: 138Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2005 --
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 Craig Herbertson
  • School: the Seventh Silence. Jean has lost his little sister, and is just about to discover that school is more foreign than he could possibly imagine. [Size: 14Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Philip E High
  • Tune Out of Time. In the strange worlds of Philip E High, the familiar becomes the unfamiliar and human life and experience can be transformed... [Size: 46Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2004 --
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 Andrew Hook
  • The Luxury of Sleep. Don't take it for granted. [Size: 36Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2005 --
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 Stuart Hughes
  • Clock's Runnin, Mister. The guy in the Buick looked a reasonable bet, but looks can be deceiving. Very deceiving... Short horror from the editor of Peeping Tom magazine. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1998 --
  • In His Own Way. A thoroughly nasty vignette. You have been warned. [Size: 3Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1998 --
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 Andrew Humphrey
  • Time Bleeds On. She was 22, he was 40 and besotted. It could never work out... [Size: 62Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2004 --
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 Dave Hutchinson
  • Discreet Phenomena. The car struggled up the hill, then cruised down. Empty. That'd be another one, then... [Size: 118Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2006 --
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 Simon Ings
  • Black Lotus. A story of obsession and interior landscaping. You have to read this. You really have to... [Size: 44Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1998 --
  • Headlong. Epistemic Appetite Imbalance: they've taken the hardware out of Christopher Yale's head and with it, most of his senses. And now someone's taken his wife. An extract from the novel. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 1999 --
  • Hotwire. Ajay's grandfather is an old soldier with a secret buried deep in his head. But it's not buried deep enough... [Size: 35Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1998 --
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 Nick Jackson
  • Self-portrait. It was a long time since he'd been out. Too long, perhaps. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Ben Jeapes
  • Pages out of Order. School children can be cruel, and in a boarding school there is no escape. But sometimes the victim fights back. Sometimes the victim has an edge.... [Size: 65Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2001 --
  • Trial by Alien. Every human on board Pathfinder was dead except for Neil Cardoso, now confined to his cabin with the nearest help a mere thousand lightyears away. Get out of that one! [Size: 73Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Gwyneth Jones
  • Bold as Love. A night at The Insanitude, a sprawling, seedy dance venue: the future is rock'n'roll! You can also read the factual background to this story in Two Thousand Words. [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 1999 --
  • Castles Made of Sand. Out of the blue, the mysterious Irishman Fergal comes visiting Ax, Fiorinda and Sage - there has to be something more to it than just a visit. An extract from the novel. [Size: 75Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2003 --
  • Rainbow Bridge. The codeword came to England in June. Only one man understood it, and he decided to do nothing... An extract from the novel. [Size: 44Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Graham Joyce
  • The Stormwatcher. Meet Jessie: a child with knowledge beyond her years, a child no-one can control... [Size: 29Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 John Kaiine
  • Fossil Circus. Escaped. And now: time to begin again. An extract from the novel. [Size: 13Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2005 --
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 Paul Kearney
  • American Heart. There never was another day like Antietam. It was pure, concentrated violence... An extract from a work-in-progress. [Size: 50Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2003 --
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 James Patrick Kelly
  • The Edge of Nowhere. They were bad dogs, she was sure, recreated by the cognisphere to spy on the real people and cause at least three different kinds of trouble. [Size: 73Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2007 --
  • Monsters. When he looked in the mirror the monster wasn't there. Nothing. Just a fattish naked white man with thinning hair and yellow teeth. Maybe it was time to let the monster loose. [Size: 73Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 2002 --
  • The Propagation of Light in a Vacuum. Magic realism, starships, hard science fiction, plus a recipe -- what more could you ask for? [Size: 28Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1997 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Kay Kenyon
  • The Book of Faces. For a 15 year-old without a face, she'd got off pretty lucky. [Size: 34Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2005 --
  • Bright of the Sky. Something was wrong, but could that mean that the station's sole machine sapient was not paying attention? It was unthinkable that the machine sapient was not paying attention. An extract from the novel. [Size: 130Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Damian Kilby
  • Pictures on a Cafe Wall. "Picture me in the wizard's lair. My paintings are strapped to my back, folded-up easel under one arm..." [Size: 59Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Garry Kilworth
  • The Green Man Tennis Club. Success has never come easily for Pete Alwood, but now he's club captain and he's going to enjoy the power. He should have known that one day he would have to pay... Dark short fiction, published here for the first time. [Size: 48Kb]
  • -- added to infinity plus: July 2002--
  • Mirrors. He's in an exotic city, in an oriental country, but isn't quite sure which city or which country. And then he finds the house of erotic fantasies... [Size: 33Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1999 --
  • The Sculptor. An artist pays tribute to a cruel and powerful leader. Cunning and elegant fiction, voted best story of 1992 by Interzone readers. [Size: 44Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 1997 --
  • Shadow-Hawk. The old rajah knew he was dying, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the pirates, and the princes, and the arguing tribes. 19th Century fantasy from Garry Kilworth's 1999 novel. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1999 --
  • We are the Music Makers. As the men drift back from the war - many of them sick, crippled, dying - the colonel feels no guilt for his actions. Not yet. A moral fantasy from a master of short fiction, published here for the first time. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 William King
  • Green Troops. Straight from the vats, they had no personality, but those that survived soon developed one. Bill-boy was one of the bad ones. All the Greens were programmed to kill but Bill-boy loved it... [Size: 37Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2001 --
  • Red Garden. Three days to lift-off, to being confined in a spaceship with nine others for months, to abandoning his beloved red garden. But what alternative does Victor have? [Size: 30Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Geoffrey A Landis
  • Approaching Perimelasma. With a surge of something approaching terror, he realises that this is it, this time he is the one who is doing it. He's the one who is going to drop into a black hole. [Size: 80Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2001 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 David Langford
  • BLIT. Careful where you look -- unless you're wearing the right goggles. Ingenious science fiction from the award-winning editor of Ansible. [Size: 20Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1997 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Tim Lebbon
  • Repulsion. A summer holiday in Amalfi, trying to be in love again. He should have known it wouldn't work. He should have known it wouldn't make things better. [Size: 40Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2000 --
  • The Nature of Balance: Crying Blood. It was no optical illusion: the place was abandoned. Nature had smothered it. An extract from the novel. [Size: 27Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 David D Levine
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Roger Levy
  • The Morning After. She hadn't changed. They seldom did, afterwards... [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 DF Lewis
  • The Horn of Europe. The girl faced straight out of the old photograph - as if she knew Charles would be looking at it all these years in the future. In those days, children could be left to play safely... [Size: 10Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 1999 --
  • Queuing Behind Crazy People. His manner suited his name - as did his features and the way he spoke: not exactly a sneer, more a knowingness that exceeded simple knowledge. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Bryn Llewellyn
  • The Rat and the Serpent. Ugli the beggar, scrambling for scraps of food in the gutter, until one day everything changes... An extract from the novel. [Size: 45Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 James Lovegrove
  • A Taste of Heaven. Of all the strange and mad and sad and extraordinary human beings who passed through the doors of the homeless shelter, Harold was perhaps the most remarkable. Now he's missing, but has he gone to a better place? [Size: 49Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 1999 --
  • The House of Lazarus. Joey visits his mother as often as he can manage, but life's been busy lately and, besides, visiting the dead can be such hard work. [Size: 49Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 1998 --
  • Wings. Twelve-year-old Azrael isn't like the other schoolchildren: he just can't keep up with them. All he can do is dream of the day when things might be different. [Size: 36Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Jason Erik Lundberg
  • Enlightenment. Sometimes, when destiny comes knocking, it can be a tough call. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2005 --
  • Reality, Interrupted. She saw. She saw so much more... [Size: 42Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2006 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Richard A Lupoff
  • Discovery of the Ghooric Zone. A tour de force of future-historical speculation, in which our much-adapted descendants find out just how right a certain HP Lovecraft really was... With a foreword by the author. [Size: 85Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: April 2001 --
  • Jubilee. According to Aelius, this should be the biggest news day of the century -- the return of the first craft to land on another planet, with Caesar on hand to welcome home the nautae. [Size: 60Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2002 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Ian R MacLeod
  • Living in Sin. An ordinary man in an extraordinary world. God, miracles, adolescence, beautiful writing ... things like that. Also: a specially written afterword. [Size: 36Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1997 --
  • Snodgrass. Which is more fascinating, success or failure? This is John Lennon's story as it might easily have been. An alternative history of the Beatles, with an introduction by the author. [Size: 78Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2000 --
  • Starship Day. A special day: the day the travellers on the first starship from Earth will be woken to learn their fate. We also include a specially written afterword. [Size: 47Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 1997 --
  • Verglas. In the days after Marion and the kids left he kept busy around the base to keep his mind off their absence. He never forgot to put out fresh meat for them, though, just in case. An extract from the novella. [Size: 23Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: September 2004 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Geoffrey Maloney
  • In the Service of the Shogarth. When you start to work for the Shogarth you will realise you have to adapt. But never ask questions... [Size: 44Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2005 --
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 Nick Mamatas
  • The Armory Show. Extreme art. Extreme critic. Extreme satire. [Size: 26Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: March 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Gail Z Martin
  • The Blood King. His magic has failed him, he's stranded, alone, outnumbered... all that remains is to fight - or not... An extract from the novel. [Size: 30Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2007 --
  • The Summoner. If there was to be a battle, and there very probably was, then the five would give the slavers a good fight... An extract from the novel. [Size: 21Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2007 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 David Mathew
  • Rivereyes. The river had eyes. Watching eyes... [Size: 17Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 LH Maynard and MPN Sims
  • Moths. As they headed across the sweeping grounds of the estate, it became clear that they were heading for the woods. But why did that make the horses so nervous? Extracts from the novella. [Size: 16Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 2001 --
  • An Office in the Gray's Inn Road. Newly widowed, Joanna thought that a visit to her late husband's office might help... [Size: 58Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2002 --
  • The Bassinet. Newly pregnant, Helen was a picture of health. When he saw her again, after the child's birth, all had changed. [Size: 47Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2003 --
  • Snow Beetles. It was a case of mistaken identity. It had to be. He had never been here before... [Size: 76Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: May 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Maxine McArthur
  • Playing Possum. A simple case of community relations and metamorphosing citizens. [Size: 53Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 2005 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Paul J McAuley
  • 17. 17 had a choice: work the tanks where the fumes ate people's lungs or end up as a breeder like her mother, blown up by having kids one after the other. And then everything changed. [Size: 37Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: December 1998 --
  • Cross Roads Blues. The first time he heard Robert Johnson play was to a vast crowd in Washington, DC, December 5th 1945. The second time was eight years earlier... [Size: 81Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2007 --
  • Inheritance. An American academic, investigating his roots in rural England, finds more than just the ruins of the old family home. [Size: 79Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1997; revised August 2007 --
  • Recording Angel. Mr Naryan, Archivist of the city of Sensch, listens to people's stories - an essential part of maintaining the balance required to live with the diverse cultures of the unfallen. But when Angel comes, a human from the deep past, that balance is threatened. [Size: 76Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 2000 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Ian McDonald
  • Ares Express. Here comes Sweetness Octave Glorious Honey-Bun Asiim Engineer 12th. She is eight, and this is the manner of her coming. An extract from the novel. [Size: 46Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: August 2001 --
  • Kirinya. An extract from McDonald's novel, Kirinya (published in early 1998). The sequel to his tour de force novel of the alien, Chaga. [Size: 34Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: July 1997 --
  • Some Strange Desire. Ancient secrets, strange passions and deadly intrigue. A dark and beautifully written World Fantasy Award nominee. [Size: 52Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: February 1998 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 John Meaney
  • Sanctification. An old blind beggar sets the young girl's feet upon the path to Sainthood, and Sainthood might give her the stars, or more... [Size: 39Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: June 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Michael Moorcock
  • London Bone. Raymond Gold is a cultural speculator: a middleman, an agent, an art representative, a professional mentor, a tour guide, a spiritual bridge-builder. And right now a new market is opening up... [Size: 58Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 1999 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Richard Morgan
  • Altered Carbon. They mined the whole wall with limpets. Takeshi Kovacs didn't stand a chance this time. An extract from the stunning debut novel. [Size: 27Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: November 2003 --
[ fiction contents | home page ]
 Mark Morris
  • The Chisellers' Reunion. It's time for the reunion again, time to stir up old, dark memories. But they have to do it, they really have to... [Size: 63Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: January 2000 --
  • The Other One. They're cunning, they're spiteful, and they're watching him, waiting for him to make a mistake. Dark, paranoid fiction. [Size: 43Kb]
    -- added to infinity plus: October 1999 --
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© Keith Brooke 25 August 2007