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Event Horizon Hot Spot
"Looks great. And it's good to find quality fiction on the web."

-- Ellen Datlow

"...beautiful sf reprint site ... has attracted an impressive stable of writers who make their work available for public consumption..."

-- Cory Doctorow, Science Fiction Age

Wooden Rocket Awards: best online magazine runner-up
Wooden Rocket Awards: runner-up for best online magazine

--Wooden Rocket Awards

" will never run out of things to read after making a visit here ... plug in your printer, sit back, relax and feed your imagination." top 100

"Fantastic site you have there!"

-- Kurt Roth, HWA webmaster

"...the best place for genre fiction on the web."

-- SFX

"...a first-rate reprint SF webzine."

-- Locus Online

" of the best fiction sites on the web ... an impressive cast of top genre writers... This is a site we have no hesitation in highly recommending."

-- LineOne Science Fiction Club

"Possibly the best collection of sf short stories on the WWW."

-- Victory Crayne,

Site of the Week (24 Dec 1997
"This week visit Infinity Plus, a literary oriented, SF & Fantasy website... If you're a lover of good quality literary sf, this site is to be recommended."

-- the Compuserve UK Science Fiction Community page

"Your site is seriously cool, I enjoyed wandering around it for the last while. I'm going to add it to Asimov's immediately. As well, I'll stick it on the Analog site too."

-- Rodger Turner, webmaster for Asimov's SF Magazine and Analog

"infinity plus makes buying a modem worthwhile!"

-- Spencer Dicks

"infinity plus is an absolute goldmine... The book reviews are concise, informed and entertaining... The fiction is outstanding."

-- Neil Booth

Eclipse award

"Nice layout. Great navigational graphic. The best part is COOL science fiction stories."

-- Eclipse

"...I wanna congratulate you. Infinity plus is the best SF magazine on the net."

-- Piotr Gociek, editor of Talisman

Netscape Open Directory Cool Site

-- Netscape Open Directory Cool Site

"Just visited the web site for the first time and wanted to add my congratulations to everyone else's. All good stuff, and some great fiction (Nick Royle's Flying into Naples is one of my all time favourite short stories)."

-- Andy Cox, publisher of The Third Alternative

"Excellent site, I take a look there regularly ...Thanks for one of the few actually useful sites on the web."

-- Andrew Sheppard

Eternity Award

" impressive page, I would highly recommend."

-- Eternity Magazine

"Thank you for your submsission, but we try to link to sites which are more visually rich."

-- @rbitor, [I guess we need a few more rocket ships... KB]

"...very impressed. Any site with a chunk of Ian McDonald's new novel is going to get me interested anyway (especially when it is the hoped-for sequel to the marvellous Chaga -- I agree one hundred percent with your review on that one), but the fact that it contains so much other fascinating stuff simply sends it to the top of my 'must-visit-regularly' sites. The fact that it's also well-designed and kept simple -- too many SF sites get lost with the images and forget the real content -- is a bonus."

-- John Owen

"Love IPLUS. That's all I have to say. Just love it. It's really nicely designed & has a great feel."

-- Neil Williamson

SCI-FInder award

-- SCI-FInder

"My main reason for liking the site is the short fiction -- brilliant! As a regular buyer of Interzone (always from a high street shop to try and encourage them to keep carrying the magazine) it's good to find a similar WWW site."

-- David Kennedy

"Wow! Great site! So great, we've already linked to it."

-- Jeff VanderMeer, The Ministry of Whimsy

"Now, this is a find! ...the quality is very high."

-- Henry the Virtual Cat, c/o Trout

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