- Arthur Machen
- Ian R MacLeod
- Ken MacLeod
- The Stone Canal (review by John
D Owen; added: March 1998)
- The Cassini Division (review
by Keith Brooke; added: May 1998)
- The Web 2028 (various authors;
reviewed by Keith Brooke; added August 2000)
- Dark Light (review by Stuart
Carter; added: January 2002)
- Cosmonaut Keep (a double
review by Stuart Carter and Peter D Tillman; added: January 2002)
- The Human Front (review
by Stuart Carter; added: March 2002)
- Learning the World
(review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2006 Arthur C Clarke Award
shortlist; added: March 2006)
- Paul Magrs and Jeremy Hoad
- David Maine
- Fallen (reviewed
in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction)
- Geoffrey Maloney
- Nick Mamatas
- George Mann
- John Marco
- Nick Marsh
- George R R Martin
- Les Martin
- Philip Martin (editor)
- Watts Martin
- Nina Marie Martínez
(review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added:
October 2004)
- Paul Massey
- David I Masson
- Graham Masterton
- Richard Matheson
- Julian May
- LH Maynard and MPN Sims
- Maxine McArthur
- Time Future (review by Peter
D Tillman; added: October 2001)
- Paul J McAuley
- Anne McCaffrey
- Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
- Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey
- Dragon's Kin (review by
Marianne Plumridge; added: March 2004)
- Wil McCarthy
- Bloom (review by Stuart Carter;
added: July 2000)
- Hugh McCracken
- Jack McDevitt
- Eternity Road (review by John
D Owen; added: March 1998)
- Moonfall (review by Keith Brooke;
added: September 1999)
- Slow Lightning (review by Stuart
Carter; added: March 2000)
- Deepsix
(review by John Grant; added: March 2001)
- Metareview: Infinity Beach
(UK title: Slow Lightning) (review by Peter D Tillman;
added: June 2001)
- Ian McDonald
- Chaga (review by Keith Brooke;
added: July 1997)
- Kirinya (review by Keith Brooke;
added: September 1998)
- Tendeleo's Story (review by
Nick Gevers; added: September 2000)
- Ares Express (review by
Stuart Carter; added: June 2002)
- The River of Gods (review
by John D Owen; added: October 2004)
- River of
Gods (review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur
C Clarke Award shortlist; added: February 2005)
- Maureen McHugh
- Nekropolis
(review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction;
added: April 2003)
- Fiona McIntosh
- Juliet McKenna
- Robin McKinley
- Sunshine (review by Meredith;
added: June 2005)
- Iain McLaughlin
- John Meaney
- Farah Mendlesohn (editor)
- Robert A Metzger
- Picoverse (review by John
Grant; added: May 2002)
- Haydn Middleton
- China Miéville
- Perdido Street Station (review
by Andy Sawyer; added: June 2000)
- Perdido Street Station (review
by Lou Anders; added: July 2001)
- The Scar (review
in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2003 Arthur C Clarke Award shortlist;
added: February 2003)
- Perdido
Street Station (review in Claude Lalumière's
Fantastic Fiction; added: April 2003)
- The Scar
(review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction;
added: April 2003)
- The Tain (review by Graham Sleight;
added: May 2003)
- Iron Council (review by
Stephen Palmer; added: December 2004)
- Iron Council
(review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award
shortlist; added: February 2005)
- The Iron Council (third
review by Lawrence Osborn; added: June 2005)
- Deborah J Miller
- Frank Miller
- Ron Miller
- Sasha Miller
- Ladylord (review by Nick Gifford;
added: August 1997)
- Walter M Miller, Jr
- Hope Mirrlees
- David Mitchell
- Cloud Atlas
(review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award
shortlist; added: February 2005)
- LE Modesitt, Jr
- Flash (a meta-review by Peter
D Tillman; added: May 2005)
- Walter Moers
- Elizabeth Moon
- Michael Moorcock
- Christopher Moore
- James A Moore
- Blood Red (review by Gary
Couzens; added: January 2006)
- Moira J Moore
- Ward Moore
- Caiseal Mór
- Simon Morden
- Another War (review by Gary
Couzens; added: August 2006)
- Chris Morgan (text) with David A Hardy
- Richard Morgan
- Altered Carbon (review
by Stuart Carter; added: April 2002)
- Broken Angels (review
by Stuart Carter; added: March 2003)
- Market Forces (review
by Stuart Carter; added: November 2003)
- Market Forces
(review in Adam Roberts' feature on the 2005 Arthur C Clarke Award
shortlist; added: February 2005)
- Woken Furies (review by
Jakob Schmidt; added: May 2006)
- James Morrow
- Mark Morris
- James W Moseley and Karl T Pflock
- Tom Moylan
- John Kenneth Muir
- CE Murphy
- Urban Shaman (review by
Elizabeth Barrette; added: October 2005)
- Linda Nagata
- Vast (review by Jon Courtenay
Grimwood; added: November 1998)
- Limit of
Vision (review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic
Fiction; added: April 2003)
- Susan J Napier
- Vera Nazarian
- Nemonymous
- Nemonymous 1 (review by
Anonymous [with good reason]; added: December 2001)
- Nemonymous 2 (review by David
Mathew; added: September 2002)
- Nemonymous 3 (review by
Keith Brooke; added: May 2003)
- Nemonymous 4 (review by The Mad
Wavid; added: December 2004)
- Nemonymous 5 (review by Mario
Guslandi; added: September 2005)
- Jess Nevins
- Paul J Newell
- James Newman
- Kim Newman
- Adam Nichols
- Stan Nicholls
- Tim Nickels
- Audrey Niffenegger
- Larry Niven
- Garth Nix
- Sabriel (review by Meredith;
added: August 2002)
- Jeff Noon
- Naomi Novik
- Tim O'Laughlin
- Patrick O'Leary
- Jerry Oltion
- Daniel O'Mahony
- Frederick I Ordway III
- Monica J O'Rourke (editor)
- Decadence (review by John
Grant; added: October 2002)
- Paul Outhwaite
- Everett Owens
- Chuck Palahniuk
- Lullaby
(review in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction;
added: April 2003)
- Diary (review
in Claude Lalumière's Fantastic Fiction; added:
December 2003)
- Charles Palliser
- The Unburied
(review by Claude Lalumière; added September 2004)
- Stephen Palmer
- KJ Parker
- Rosalie Parker (editor)
- Fred Patten (editor)
- John Pelan (editor, with Michael Reaves)
- Alice Perrin
- Robert Perry and Mike Tucker
- Stefan Petrucha
- Holly Phillips
- Robert Phillips (editor)
- Tom Piccirilli
- Terri Pine, Andrew Muller and Peter Lee
- Chill (review by Thomas Staab;
added: March 2003)
- Paul Pinn
- Ricardo Pinto
- Stephen Pirie
- Frederik Pohl and CM Kornbluth
- Tom Pomplun (editor)
- Postcripts
- Tim Powers
- Declare (review by Philip Raines;
added: November 2002)
- Terry Pratchett
- Fletcher Pratt and L Sprague de Camp
- Tim Pratt
- Don Presnell and Marty McGee
- Alan David Price
- Robert M Price (editor)
- Susan Price
- Christopher Priest
- David Pringle (editor)
- Antonio Prohias
- WM Pugmire
- Philip Pullman
- Mike E Purfield
- Thomas Pynchon