Tony Daniel
The Bare Facts: I attended Clarion West writing workshop in 89. That's the summer when I dropped out of film school, moved to Seattle, and became a writer instead of merely talking about it all the time.
Next few years: Warpath, my first book, published in 1993. Horrible writing block for three years. My story, Life on the Moon, won the best short story of the year in the Asimov's Magazine reader's poll and got nominated for a Hugo in 1996. Two stories in Dozois's 1997 The Year's Best Science Fiction. Second novel, Earthling, out in December 97 to decent reviews for the most part. Also got a short story collection out in 1999 from the late James Turner's imprint, Golden Gryphon Press. Very cool. Writing and directing a weird radio show on NYC's WBAI, called Automatic Vaudeville. I continue onward. Wrote a screenplay last year about my grandfather. Poetry all the time. Working on a novel at the moment tentatively called American Bohemian. Sound strangely familiar? Am actually not a "beatnik" at all, but a crazy Catholic mystic Buddhist -- wait, I'm channeling Jack Kerouac!
The Robot's Twilight Companion "Tony Daniel's is a unique voice, standing out from the year's merely good and competent." (Keith Brooke, reviewing The Best New SF 10 ) The Robot's Twilight Companion, Tony Daniel's short story collection from Golden Gryphon Press, is now out. The collection features the author's best science fiction stories, including:
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