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Sarah Singleton

Sarah Singleton was born in England in 1966. She grew up in rural Northamptonshire and was Sarah Singletonawarded an honours degree in English Literature and Language by the University of Nottingham. She travelled in Europe, India and Nepal and worked variously with horses, in a chocolate shop, as a factory operative, and a chambermaid in Germany, before becoming a journalist.

In 1993 she married Brian Hoare and they have two young daughters. While Sarah was a full time parent she wrote a novel The Crow Maiden, published by Cosmos Books/Wildside Press in 2001. Her first novel for children, Century, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2005, and went on to win the Booktrust Teen Award.

Now she works as senior reporter for the Wiltshire Gazette & Herald. She campaigns with a local human rights group and is learning to play the violin. Sarah Singleton is the author of In The Mirror (Enigmatic Novellas #4) reprinted by Cosmos Books in 2001. She has had short stories published in QWF magazine, Enigmatic Tales and Interzone.

She lives in Chippenham, in beautiful, mystic Wiltshire.

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© Sarah Singleton 14 July 2001; updated November 2005