Scott Nicholson Scott Nicholson lives in the rural Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States, where he works for a weekly newspaper. Nicholson released his first story collection, Thank You For The Flowers, in 2000, and his first novel, The Harvest, in 2003. Kevin J. Anderson says of Nicholson, "He has a fresh and true voice that will affect you, disturb you, enrage you, or make you laugh." Scott Nicholson has sold stories in either three or four languages, depending upon whatever happened to that Yugoslavian editor. His least favorite activities are shoveling snow, interviewing politicians, and whining about the state of the publishing industry. "Metabolism" was written to reflect his paranoia of the big city. The story was a finalist in the international Writers of the Future contest and was published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Vol. XIV in 1998. Nicholson runs a writer's website at and also has a free quarterly newsletter delivered via e-mail. To sign up for the newsletter and be eligible to win signed copies of books, send an e-mail to with "signup" as the subject. You're also welcome to just drop a line and say hello!
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