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Peter Crowther

Before turning to full-time writing and editing in 1995, Englishman Peter Crowther worked in IT, music journalism, advertising and corporate communications.

He has made his literary mark through his prolific output of short stories -- most of which, covering a variety of genres, are set and first published in the US -- a string of original anthologies (plus a couple of reprint SF volumes), more than 200 columns and interviews on both sides of the Atlantic, two chapbooks, and the novel Escardy Gap, written in collaboration with James Lovegrove.

1999 saw the publication of:

  • his first short story collection, The Longest Single Note (and Other Strange Compositions) -- from US-based CD Publications (February);
  • a UK collection of three novellas, Lonesome Roads -- due in July from Razorblade Press;
  • a commemorative anthology of moon stories, Moonshots, with Martin H. Greenberg -- DAW Books, June 1999;
  • and Hauntings, an anthology of off-beat ghost-type stories for US-based Subterranean Press (October 1999).

Peter Crowther has edited a number of well-received anthologies, and runs the award-winning PS Publishing, publishers of an acclaimed novella series, the infinity plus anthologies and Postscripts magazine.

Peter's collection Songs of Leaving was published in October 2004. Read the title story, and find out how to order.

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© Peter Crowther 20 December 1998; updated October 2004