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Mark Morris

Mark Morris was born in the mining town of Bolsover in 1963, and spent his childhood in Tewkesbury, Hong Kong, Newark and Huddersfield. He graduated in 1984 and spent four years on the dole before becoming a full-time writer on the now-defunct Enterprise Allowance Scheme.

His books include the novels Toady, Stitch, The Immaculate, The Secret of Anatomy, Mr Bad Face, Longbarrow, Genesis, Doctor Who - The Bodysnatchers and Doctor Who - Deep Blue, and a collection of short stories, Close To The Bone.

His short fiction, articles and reviews have sold to a variety of anthologies and magazines, including Final Shadows, Dark Voices 3, Darklands 1 and 2, Blue Motel, The Mammoth Book of Werewolves, Dark Terrors, A Book Of Two Halves, Dancing with the Dark, The Agony and the Ecstasy, Cold Cuts 2, Scaremongers 2, The Tiger Garden, SFX, Fear, Interzone, Skeleton Crew, The Dark Side and The Third Alternative.

He lives in Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, with his wife, the artist Nel Whatmore, and their two children, David and Polly.

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© Mark Morris 10 October 1999; updated August 2004