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Michael Cobley

Mike Cobley was born in Leicester, but has spent most of his life in Glasgow, Scotland. He's well-known on the British SF scene as an articulate and incisive critic and commentator on the state of science fiction, for many years producing the never-dull broadsheet fanzine Shark Tactics. He's also written some fine short fiction which has appeared in Interzone, Other Edens, Ikarie, The Unusual Genitals Party, Edge Detector, BBR and other assorted places. In 1996 he published Mind Maps, featuring work by Iain Banks, Ian McDonald, Keith Brooke and others.

His first novel, Shadowkings, was published in the UK by Earthlight in July 2001; Shadowgod and Shadowmasque followed.

Elsewhere in infinity plus:

Elsewhere on the web:

  • Shipbuilding, the impressive on-line anthology of Scottish science fiction, includes Mike's 'Corrosion', a short story first published by Interzone and since reprinted in Ikarie.

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© Michael Cobley 14 June 1997; updated January 2003