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Kit ReedKit Reed

Kit Reed's novels include Captain Grownup, Catholic Girls, Little Sisters of the Apocalypse and J Eden. Thinner Than Thou was published by Tor in 2004. She is a Guggenheim fellow and the first American recipient of a five-year literary grant from the Abraham Woursell Foundation.

In SF, she has published five short story collections and the novels Armed Camps, Magic Time, Fort Privilege and Little Sisters of the Apocalypse, a finalist for the Tiptree prize. Her story "The Singing Marine" was a short story nominee at the World Fantasy Convention in 1996. Reed's stories have appeared in magazines ranging from The Yale Review and The Missouri Review to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Omni and Asimov's SF. A new collection, Dogs of Truth, was published in September 2005 - Old Soldiers, a story from the collection which was first published in our anthology infinity plus one, is available elsewhere on this site.

Of J Eden, The Nation's reviewer writes, "Out of halting conversations, dense layers of longing and jangling inner demons, Reed hammers into shape a story as ramshackle and forgiving as the old Berkshire farmhouse. She shows us the extent to which people can hurt one another and still be loved and go on."

As Kit Craig, she is author of the psychothrillers Gone, Twice Burned, Strait and Closer.

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