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Kage BakerKage Baker

Kage Baker was born in Hollywood in 1952 to a large family. Her mother was the painter Katherine C. Baker. Kage received a good liberal-arts convent education, which did nothing to prepare her for earning a living. She worked variously as a mural painter, funerary insurance claims processor, actor, director, stage manager, educational program coordinator and teacher of Elizabethan English as a Second Language before selling her first story to Asimov's in 1997. Her first novel, In the Garden of Iden, was published in England in 1997 and has been followed by American, German, French, Italian and Israeli editions. A collection of her short fiction, Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers, Black Projects, White Knightswas published in the summer of 2002 by Golden Gryphon.

In addition to her four novels and more than twenty stories of the time-traveling immortals of the Company, Kage Baker has written several horror and fantasy stories and is currently preparing a fantasy novel for publication. Her Hugo Award-nominated Company novella, "Son Observe the Time," appeared in the Gardner Dozois anthology, The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventeenth Annual Collection.

All this interesting and glamorous stuff notwithstanding, Kage Baker resides in a shoe-box-sized cottage by the sea in Pismo Beach, California. She gardens, birdwatches, cleans up after her parrot, listens to Jethro Tull and continues to play bit parts (usually a Cheerful Barmaid) for As You Like It Productions in her spare time. Primarily, however, she writes.

Elsewhere in infinity plus:

  • fiction - The Dust Enclosed Here, a short story from the collection Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers.
  • features - find out about Golden Gryphon, publishers of Kage's collection Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers.

Elsewhere on the web:

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© Kage Baker August 2002