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Jonathan Wylie

'Jonathan Wylie' is the pseudonym of Mark and Julia Smith, a married couple who live and work in Norfolk. Having met while they were both working for a major London publishing house, they sparked each other into creative life, and began writing as a team a few months after setting up home together. They have been writing full time since 1991. The pen-name they have used most recently is Julia Gray, author of Ice Mage, Fire Music, Isle of the Dead and the popular 'Guardian' Cycle.

Magister is their fourteenth novel, following two other 'modern day' fantasies, Other Lands and Across the Flame (also published by Orbit). Their other work includes the novels Shadow-maze and Dream-Weaver and the three trilogies: 'The Servants of Ark' (The First Named, The Centre of the Circle and The Mage-born Child); 'The Unbalanced Earth' (Dreams of Stone, The Lightless Kingdom and The Age of Chaos); and 'Island and Empire' (Dark Fire, Echoes of Flame and The Last Augury).

Elsewhere in infinity plus:

  • stories - read an extract from Wylie's novel, Magister, plus an essay about the novel's inspiration by Mark Smith.
  • non-fiction - reviews of books by Julia Gray (another name used by Jonathan Wylie).

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© Jonathan Wylie August 1997, updated March 2002