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Jeff VanderMeer

Shriek: an afterword (UK edition)Jeff VanderMeer was born in Pennsylvania, U.S., in 1968, but spent much of his childhood in the Fiji Islands, where his parents worked for the Peace Corps. This experience, and the resulting trip back to the United States through Asia, Africa, and Europe, has deeply influenced his fiction.

Jeff VanderMeer's work has appeared in many different languages and countries, including in such magazines and anthologies as Asimov's SF Magazine, Amazing Stories, Weird Tales, Interzone, The Silver Web, Ikarie B (Czech Republic), The Third Alternative, Nebula Awards 30, Best New Horror 7, The Year's Best Fantastical Fiction, Infinity Plus one, Dark Terrors, and Dark Fantasy 2000. A controversial Locus Online poll listed him seventh amongst currently working writers of short SF/Fantasy fiction.

Books include The Book of Lost Places (Dark Regions Press), Dradin, In Love (Buzzcity Press), Dradin, In Love & Other Stories (Oxy Publishing, Greece), The Exchange (a collaboration with artist Eric Schaller), The Hoegbotton Guide to the Early History of Ambergris, by Duncan Shriek, City of Saints and Madmen, Veniss Underground, Secret Life, Fantasy and Horror, and Shriek: An Afterword.

Awards and honours include winning the 2000 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella, the 1994 Rhysling Award, Fear Magazine's Best Short Story Award, and a $5,000 Florida Individual Artist Fellowship. VanderMeer has also been a finalist for the Theodore Sturgeon Award.

VanderMeer's nonfiction has appeared in Novel & Short Story Writer's Markets, SF Eye, Tangent, Zene, The St. James Guide to Gothic, Ghost, and Horror Writers, Fantasy & Science Fiction, The New York Review of SF, Magill's Guide to SF & Fantasy Literature, and publications from Gale Research. Much of his nonfiction is collected in Why Should I Cut Your Throat?: Excursions into the Worlds of Science Fiction.

VanderMeer founded The Ministry of Whimsy, a literary organization and specialty press. The Ministry was a finalist for a World Fantasy Award in 1998, and published the 1997 Philip K. Dick Award-winning novel The Troika by Stepan Chapman.

VanderMeer works as a technical writer and project administrator for Infinity Software Development in Tallahassee, Florida, where he lives with his wife Ann Kennedy. He enjoys racquetball, soccer, and collecting first editions.

Why Should I Cut Your Throat? Veniss Underground City of Saints and Madmen

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