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Jack Deighton: A Potted Biography

Jack Deighton studied Chemistry at Glasgow University, then took a PhD (carbon-13 NMR substituent effects). He worked for two years in Hertfordshire studying the effects of additives on the processability of rubber, then moved back to Scotland and took up teaching. He has taught in Cowdenbeath and Dunfermline. Jack is married with two sons.

Note for those of you who speak aloud as you read:
You should pronounce "Deighton" to rhyme with "Brighton" and not with -- to take an example, not at random -- a certain town in Ohio. "Jack" should rhyme with, well, "Jack"...

Jack Deighton: A Bibliography


  • A Son Of The Rock, Orbit, London, 1997


A number of stories have appeared, including:

  • "The Face of the Waters," New Worlds 2, Gollancz, 1992 -- also translated into French as "La Face Des Eaux" in Cyberdreams 2
  • "This Is The Road," New Worlds 3, Gollancz, 1993 -- also as "Le Chemin D'Eternite'," in Cyberdreams 7
  • "Closing Time," Interzone 89, November 1994
  • "Dusk," Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction, Mercat Press, 2005.

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