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Garry Kilworth

Garry Kilworth was born in York during the 2nd World War.

He spent much of his childhood going from school to school, some of them overseas in places like Aden (South Yemen), until he joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 15. During his years in the RAF he was posted to many places abroad - Singapore, Kenya, Maldives, Aden, Malta, Cyprus and Germany - and returned to leave the Forces in 1974. He joined the firm of Cable and Wireless and travelled again to the West Indies and Hong Kong, where he lived for three years in the early nineties. He is greatly interested in other cultures and religions, the myths and legends of island peoples and the idea of global harmony.

His writing career began in 1974 when he co-won the Gollancz/Sunday Times sf short story competition with 'Let's Go To Golgotha'. Since then he has had published close to 50 books of fiction - science fiction, fantasy, horror, historical fiction and general fiction - some for adults, but some for children. He has won prizes for both adults' and children's literature.

His latest novels is Shadow-Hawk, a fantasy set in 19th Century Borneo, which follows his Polynesian fantasy trilogy The Navigator Kings (Orbit Books). He has recently had published a trilogy for children of all ages called The Welkin Weasels - an animal fantasy set in a medieval society where the stoats are the overlords and the weasels are the outlaws. Previously to this there was A Midsummer's Nightmare, which brought readers up to date with the goings-on of Oberon, Titania and the other dream fairies.

He is currently working on a collection of general fiction short stories set in Hong Kong, under the title of Tales from the Fragrant Harbour.

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© Garry Kilworth 9 October 1999