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Graham Joyce

Graham Joyce quit his executive job to concentrate on writing, living in a beach shack on the Greek island of Lesbos with a colony of scorpions (the setting for House Of Lost Dreams). He sold his first novel while still in Greece and travelled in Israel and Egypt on the proceeds. He returned to Leicester, England, after a year.

He is the author of six novels (to 1998):

  • Dreamside (1991) - dealing with the subject of lucid dreaming, Joyce's first novel concerns four characters haunted by psychological experiments conducted while they were students.

  • Dark Sister (1992) -a novel of contemporary witchcraft, exploring the relationship between witchcraft and feminism.

  • House Of Lost Dreams (1993) - returns to Greece to analyse a disintegrating relationship against the backdrop of the superstitious and the supernatural.

  • Requiem (1995) - continues the trajectory by setting an atmospheric suspense story in modern Jerusalem, dealing with the roots of myth and the power of sexuality.

  • The Tooth Fairy (1996, reviewed by Jason Gould) - this represents something of a departure in that it dispenses with exotic settings and offers a rites of passage novel set in the industrial Midlands, though its suspenseful and at times supernatural mood suggest a development of what has gone before.

  • The Stormwatcher (1998, an extract is available elsewhere in infinity plus) - set in France, the story of a girl knowing beyond her years.

Graham Joyce is a three-times winner of the British Fantasy Society's August Derleth Award, for Dark Sister, Requiem and The Tooth Fairy. Requiem was short-listed for the 1996 World Fantasy award. He has also published a novel in the children's Web series, Spiderbite (1997, reviewed by Nick Gifford). His short stories have appeared in several anthologies, and his novels have been widely translated.

He currently teaches Creative Writing at Nottingham Trent University. He still lives in Leicester with his wife and daughter.

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© Graham Joyce 30 May 1998