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Guy Hasson

Guy Hasson is an Israeli science fiction author who writes in English.

In 2000 he published his first short story.

In 2001 he published his first e-book, In the Beginning....

In 2002 he published his second e-book, Hope for Utopia.

In 2003 his first paperback, Hatchling, was published by Bitan Publishers.

His next novel, Life: the Game, is slated to be published in 2004, also in paperback.

In the meantime he's published about sixteen short stories in English and eight short stories in Hebrew. His short story, 'All-of-Me(TM)', which won the Israeli Geffen Award for 'Best Short Story in 2003', will soon be published in Jupiter SF. His book Hatchling was shortlisted in the category 'Best Book for the Years 1997-2003'. And in his free time, he writes plays.

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