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Darrell Schweitzer

Darrell Schweitzer is the author of about 250 published stories, many of which are collected in We are all Legends, Tom O'Bedlam's Night Out, Transients, Refugees from an Imaginary Country, and Nightscapes. His collaborations with Jason Van Hollander are collected in Necromancies and Netherworlds. He has twice been nominated for the World Fantasy Award for best collection (for Transients and for Necromancies and Netherworlds) and once for novella ("To Become a Sorcerer") and won it once (with George Scithers) for co-editing Weird Tales, which he continues to do. His fiction has been published in Interzone, Amazing, Twilight Zone, and numerous anthologies.

His three published novels are The White Isle, The Shattered Goddess, and The Mask of the Sorcerer (which contains the above-mentioned novella). He is also the author of much non-fiction, including book-length studies of HP Lovecraft and Lord Dunsany. He has conducted numerous author interviews, some of which are collected in SF Voices etc.), and written reviews, essays etc. He has been a book review columnist in Aboriginal SF since its inception and had been one in Science Fiction Review since 1976. A recent book of his essays is Windows Of The Imagination (1998) which was a Locus "Notable" book.

As a poet, he is best known for having rhymed "Cthulhu" twice in a limerick and lived to tell about it. His light verse is collected (so far) in Non Compost Mentis, Poetica Dementia, and the aptly-entitled Stop me Before I do it Again! More recently a collection of his "real" poetry, the best of the past 25 years or so, has appeared as Groping Toward the Light.

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© Darrell Schweitzer 28 April 2001