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Chris Butler

Chris Butler was born in Nottingham, England in 1964. When he was one year of age he decided to move to nearby Melton Mowbray and his parents and brothers went along with that decision. He was unprolific in the pre-school years, his artistic output being somewhat primitive in nature. At some point he realised that the outside world was difficult to comprehend and so he developed a richly imagined internal one instead.

Despite having a very good English teacher, Chris inexplicably veered off into the sciences, eventually graduating with a BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science from Birmingham University.

While maintaining gainful employment doing stuff with computers, his need to tell stories eventually got the better of him. And so he manages to find time to write fiction, which he loves despite (or perhaps because of) its endless frustrations. He lives on the south coast of England and loves books, film, music and other modes of artistic expression. In alternate realities he has a wife and eight children, is a superhero, an artist, a film director, a spaceman and/or a homeless beggar.

In this reality, he is the author of the novel Any Time Now and numerous other stories.

  Elsewhere in infinity plus:

  • fiction - Any Time Now (an extract from the novel).
  • non-fiction - Chris writes some of our reviews.

Elsewhere on the web:

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© Chris Butler December 2001