Alison Sinclair I grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland and Victoria, B.C., Canada. Graduated from the University of Victoria with a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Physics, and from McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. My post-thesis treat to myself was the (sadly now no longer offered) Writing I course at the Banff School for Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta. I worked as a postdoctoral scientist in Boston, USA and Leeds, England, before entering the University of Calgary in 1995 to study Medicine. I should graduate next year, having taken the year between second and third year to write my third novel, Cavalcade. My first novel Legacies was published in 1995 by Millennium in London (1996 by HarperPrism, US), followed by Blueheart (1996 UK, 1998 US). Cavalcade will come out later this year in the UK, and hopefully in the US ... sometime. My fourth novel is at a very early stage of development - it'll either be something very medical or not at all medical, depending on whether I want immersion or escape! Before writing took over my "spare time", I fenced competitively, and studied archery and Aikido in an admittedly dilatory fashion. Writing notwithstanding, there is always a large amateur chorus in my life, most recently the Calgary Festival Chorus, substantial phone bills, and many, many books.
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