infinity plus

The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth by Garry Kilworth

The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth
The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth

Stories from the back of the brain.

These short stories span a period of 40 years. They are as eclectic as the insect world, ranging from the bizzare to the quixotic and back again. Plucked from an oeuvre of 145 stories, they are beautifully crafted tales, several of which have snatched awards from the jaws of oblivion or shouldered their way into short lists.

Though he writes longer fiction Garry Kilworth considers himself primarily a short story writer, which is his first and last love. There is science fiction, fantasy, horror, folk lore and legend within these pages. What does not fall into any of those categories is simply unclassifiable weird fish.

The first tale is a parallel world story in which we, the people who inhabit this planet, can walk on water. The last story involves the kind of madness which is brought on by too much discipline and good order. These two sandwich a vast array of brilliant and sometimes puzzling pieces of prose.

With a foreword by Claude Lalumière.

"One is left in no doubt about the quality of the writing or of Kilworth's talent..." Times Educational Supplement

"The tales are haunting, often almost poetic, but still chilling." Fantasy Zone on In The Country Of Tattooed Men

"His characters are strong and the sense of place he creates is immediate and strong." Sunday Times

"Kilworth is a master of his trade." Punch

"Arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre." New Scientist

An Introspective Perspective: Reflections on the Short Fiction of Garry Kilworth by Claude Lalumière
Atlantic Crossing
Filming the Making of the Film of the Making of Fitzcarraldo
Bronze Casket for a Mummified Shrew-Mouse
Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop
Murders in the White Garden
Inside the Walled City
Store Wars
Wayang Kulit
The Frog Chauffeur
Attack of the Charlie Chaplins
The Sculptor
Blood Orange
Truman Capote's Trilby: The Facts
Spiral Sands
In the Country of Tattooed Men
On the Watchtower at Plataea
    The Black Wedding
    Murderers Walk
    Hogfoot Right and Bird-hands
Hobblythick Lane
Dark Hills, Hollow Clocks
Sumi Dreams of a Paper Frog
The Songbirds of Pain
Almost Heaven
Blind Windows
Feral Moon The Thunder of the Captains

one of our bestsellers

Cover by Dominic Harman

Published: 02 Dec 2016

Garry Kilworth

Garry Kilworth is a particularly well-travelled and eclectic writer of the historical, the fantastic and much more. He has been described by New Scientist as "arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre". Recent books include Dragoons, a historical novel set during the Anglo-Zulu Wars, Attica, a dark quest set in an attic the size of a continent, and his memoirs, On my way to Samarkand. His novel Rogue Officer won the 2008 Charles Whiting Award for Literature. The Ragthorn, a novella written with Robert Holdstock, won the World Fantasy Award in 1992.

more infinity plus books by Garry Kilworth:

Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories Tales from the Fragrant Harbour Moby Jack and Other Tall Tales The Sometimes Spurious Travels Through Time and Space of James Ovit The Ragthorn The Iron Wire The Fabulous Beast On my way to Samarkand: memoirs of a travelling writer infinity plus: quintet Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop The Sculptor infinities

the infinity plus shuffle:

The Sculptor Circus of the Grand Design Take No Prisoners Head Shots Genetopia Faking It: accounts of the General Genetics Corporation infinities One More Unfortunate Rites of Passage