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Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories by Garry Kilworth

Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories
Blood Moon: A Novella and Eight Short Stories
Blood Moon: a novella and eight standalone short stories from 'Arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre' (New Scientist).

Scar, a lone grey wolf wandering the North Canadian plains, harbours a strange and burdensome secret which caused him to be banished from his pack. Now he must hide his grotesque affliction for as long as possible in the hope that he will find a new pack. He knows that as soon as it's discovered he will either be torn to pieces or ostracised again, yet his one hope of redemption is that this life-long burden might actually become a weapon to use against the ultimate enemy of all wolves.

Also included in this volume: eight short stories of science fiction and fantasy, seven of which have never before been published.

Cover by Keith Brooke and Alexas Fotos

Published: 18 Mar 2021

Garry Kilworth

Garry Kilworth is a particularly well-travelled and eclectic writer of the historical, the fantastic and much more. He has been described by New Scientist as "arguably the finest writer of short fiction today, in any genre". Recent books include Dragoons, a historical novel set during the Anglo-Zulu Wars, Attica, a dark quest set in an attic the size of a continent, and his memoirs, On my way to Samarkand. His novel Rogue Officer won the 2008 Charles Whiting Award for Literature. The Ragthorn, a novella written with Robert Holdstock, won the World Fantasy Award in 1992.

more infinity plus books by Garry Kilworth:

Tales from the Fragrant Harbour Moby Jack and Other Tall Tales The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth The Sometimes Spurious Travels Through Time and Space of James Ovit The Ragthorn The Iron Wire The Fabulous Beast On my way to Samarkand: memoirs of a travelling writer infinity plus: quintet Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop The Sculptor infinities

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