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Warm Words & Otherwise: A Blizzard of Book Reviews by John Grant

Warm Words & Otherwise: A Blizzard of Book Reviews
Warm Words & Otherwise: A Blizzard of Book Reviews

A bumper collection – over 150,000 words! – of book reviews, many of full essay length, by the two-time Hugo winning and World Fantasy Award-winning co-editor of The Encyclopedia of Fantasy and author, among much fiction, of such recent nonfiction works as Corrupted Science and Denying Science.

Scholarly, iconoclastic, witty, passionate, opinionated, hilarious, scathing and downright irritating by turn, these critical pieces are sure to appeal to anyone who loves fantasy, science fiction, mystery fiction, crime fiction and many points in between ... and who also enjoys a rousing argument.




Steven-Elliot Altman (creator), Patrick Merla (editor): The Touch
C.K. Anderson: A Step Beyond
Kevin J. Anderson: Hopscotch
Donald Antrim: The Verificationist
Isaac Asimov, Janet Jeppson Asimov (editor): It's Been a Good Life
Jonathan Aycliffe: The Lost
Steve Aylett: Atom
Kage Baker: Black Projects, White Knights
Clive Barker: Coldheart Canyon
Beverly Barton: The Fifth Victim
Hilari Bell: A Matter of Profit
Ann Benson: Thief of Souls
Mark Billingham: Lazy Bones
Elena Dorothy Bowman: Sarah's Landing 1
Gerry Boyle: Pretty Dead
Ray Bradbury: From the Dust Returned
Ray Bradbury: Let's All Kill Constance
Steve Brewer: Boost
Keith Brooke: Expatria
Keith Brooke: Keepers of the Peace
Susan M. Brooks: Collecting Candace
Lois McMaster Bujold: The Curse of Chalion
Timothy Burke and Kevin Burke: Saturday Morning Fever
Andrea Camilleri: Voice of the Violin
Jonathan Carroll: The Wooden Sea
Vincent Cobb: Nemesis
Nancy A. Collins: Tempter
Thomas H. Cook: Into the Web
Thomas H. Cook: Peril
Natasha Cooper: Fault Lines
Parley J. Cooper: The Feminists
Frank Corsaro: Kunma
Joseph Covino Jr: Terror Tales of the City: Prince of the Perverse
Wes Craven: Fountain Society
Michael Crichton: Prey
Stuart David: Nalda Said
L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt: The Compleat Enchanter: Fantasy Masterworks 10
Bill DeSmedt: Singularity
A.J. Diehl: The Mind Box
Sharon Duncan: The Dead Wives Society
David and Leigh Eddings: Regina's Song
Chris Elliott: The Shroud of the Thwacker
Sylvia Engdahl: Children of the Star
Sylvia Louise Engdahl, illustrated by Leo & Diane Dillon: Enchantress from the Stars
George A. Erickson: Time Traveling with Science and the Saints
Mary Anna Evans: Artifacts
Christopher Fahy: Fever 42
Robert J. Favole: Through the Wormhole
Kitty Fitzgerald: Pigtopia
Tom Flynn: Galactic Rapture
Jeffrey Ford: The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque
Katherine V. Forrest: Daughters of a Coral Dawn
Alan Dean Foster: Reunion
George Foy: Last Harbor
Gregory Frost: Fitcher's Brides
Lisa Gardner: Alone
Lisa Gardner: The Killing Hour
Lisa Gardner: The Survivors' Club
Martin Gardner: Science Good, Bad and Bogus
Bartholomew Gill: Death in Dublin
Robert Girardi: Vaporetto 13
Joel Goldman: Motion to Kill
Howard E. Green: The Tarzan Chronicles
Amy Gutman: The Anniversary
Dashiell Hammett, Vince Emery (editor): Lost Stories: 21 Long-Lost Stories from the Bestselling Creator of Sam Spade, The Maltese Falcon, and The Thin Man
Laurell K. Hamilton: A Caress of Twilight
William Heffernan: A Time Gone By
Howard V. Hendrix: Empty Cities of the Full Moon
David Hewson: A Season for the Dead
David Hewson: Lucifer's Shadow
Tom Holland: Supping with Panthers
Kay Hooper: Sense of Evil
Greg Hurwitz: The Program
Phillip Ellis Jackson: Timeshift
P.D. James: The Murder Room
Roy Johansen: Deadly Visions
Kaylie Jones: Speak Now
Stephen Jones and David Sutton (editors): Dark Terrors 4
Graham Joyce: The Tooth Fairy
Robert I. Katz: The Anatomy Lesson
Robert I. Katz: Edward Maret
Robert I. Katz: Surgical Risk
Jack Ketchum: Right to Life: A Novella and Two Stories
Stephen King: Bag of Bones
Alistair Kinnon: The Knotted Cord
Rachel Klein: The Moth Diaries
Jim Knipfel: The Buzzing
Dean Koontz: From the Corner of His Eye
Henry Kuttner: Fury
Geoffrey A. Landis: Impact Parameter, and Other Quantum Realities
Gillian Linscott: Dead Man Rising: A Nell Bray Mystery
Simon Logan: i-o
Jack London: Fantastic Tales
James Long: Silence and Shadows
Ed McBain: Fat Ollie's Book
Hugh McCracken: Rules of the Hunt
Jack McDevitt: Deepsix
Brian McNaughton: Guilty Until Proven Guilty
Nick Mamatas: Northern Gothic
George R.R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle: Windhaven
Richard Matheson: Come Fygures, Come Shadowes
Richard Matheson: Noir: Three Novels of Suspense
Robert A. Metzger: Picoverse
Ron Miller: Bronwyn Book One: Palaces & Prisons
Elizabeth Moon: Remnant Population
Elizabeth Moon: The Speed of Dark
Michael Moorcock: The Dreamthief's Daughter
James W. Moseley and Karl T. Pflock: Shockingly Close to the Truth: Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist
Arthur Nersesian: Suicide Casanova
Larry Niven: The Integral Trees
Debbie Notkin and The Secret Feminist Cabal (editors): Flying Cups & Saucers: Gender Explorations in Science Fiction & Fantasy
Tim O'Laughlin: Phoenix Fire
Gene O'Neill: The Burden of Indigo
Monica J. O'Rourke (editor): Decadence
Terry Pratchett: Thief of Time
M.K. Preston: Song of the Bones
Christopher Priest: The Extremes
Mike E. Purfield: Dirty Boots
Ian Rankin: Resurrection Men
Michael Reaves: Hell on Earth
David L. Robb: Operation Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies
David L. Robbins: Scorched Earth
Chris Roberson: Any Time At All
Adam Roberts: Salt
Kim Stanley Robinson: The Years of Rice and Salt
Peter Robinson: The First Cut
Michael Romkey: The Vampire's Violin
Joel Rosenberg: Home Front
Eric Frank Russell: Next of Kin
Richard Paul Russo: Ship of Fools
James Sallis: Drive
Vivian Schilling: Quietus
Lucius Shepard, illustrated by J.K. Potter: Louisiana Breakdown
Lynn Sholes and Joe Moore: The Grail Conspiracy
Robert Silverberg: The Longest Way Home
Clifford D. Simak: Way Station
Dan Simmons: Worlds Enough & Time: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction
Alison Sinclair: Cavalcade
Harry R. Squires: What Rough Beast
Thomas Staab: Heart of Ice, Blood of Fire
Victor J. Stenger: Has Science Found God?
Jean Stewart: Return to Isis
N.K. Stouffer: The Legend of Rah and the Muggles
Matthew Stover: Blade of Tyshalle
Theodore Sturgeon: Selected Stories
Sheri S. Tepper: The Companions
Sheri S. Tepper: Singer from the Sea
Matthew Thomas: Terror Firma
C.S. Thompson: Games Dead People Play, and Other Stories
Rupert Thomson: The Book of Revelation
S.D. Tower: The Assassins of Tamurin
Jack Vance: Big Planet
Marian Veevers: Bloodlines
Greg Vilk: Golem
Sue Walker: The Reunion
Chananya Weissman: Journeys into Limbo
Michael J. Weldon: The Psychotronic Video Guide
Gary Westfahl: The Mechanics of Wonder: The Creation of the Idea of Science Fiction
Donald E. Westlake: God Save the Mark
Karen Williams: Love Spell
Walter Jon Williams: The Rift
Connie Willis: Passage
F. Paul Wilson: The Haunted Air: A Repairman Jack Novel
F. Paul Wilson: Hosts: A Repairman Jack Novel
Jeanette Winterson: The World and Other Places
Jack Womack: Going, Going, Gone
Lytchcov Zammana: The Otherhood
Marc Scott Zicree and Barbara Hambly: Magic Time


J.R. Lankford: The Jesus Thief
Peter Senese with Robert Geis: Cloning Christ

Across the Sea of Genre
Greg Bear: Vitals
Sheri S. Tepper: The Visitor
Alice Borchardt: The Dragon Queen

Cover by Ron Tiner

Published: 16 Sep 2011

John Grant

John Grant was the author of more than seventy books, including the critically acclaimed Discarded Science, Corrupted Science, and Bogus Science. In addition to his popular science writing, Grant was a prolific science fiction and fantasy writer. He won two Hugo Awards, the World Fantasy Award, the Locus Award, and a number of other international literary awards. He coedited with John Clute The Encyclopedia of Fantasy and wrote all three editions of The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters; both encyclopedias are standard reference works in their field. Under his real name, Paul Barnett, he wrote several books and ran the world-famous fantasy-art-book imprint Paper Tiger, for this latter work winning a Chesley Award and a nomination for the World Fantasy Award.

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All the Little Gods We Are The Life Business Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie? infinities Qinmeartha and the Girl-Child LoChi Take No Prisoners

the infinity plus shuffle:

Midway Valley of the Sugars of Salt The Autist Hairy London Hallucinating The Ephemera Approaching Omega Smoke Paper Mirrors: a short saga for our times Fear of Widths Embrace: tales from the dark side