infinity plus

Blue Shifting by Eric Brown

Blue Shifting
Blue Shifting

"The blue light thickened, blotting out Janner's surroundings, and he existed in a displaced void-like limbo. Then the blue light vanished. Christ, he cried to himself, where the hell now?"

It begins with a feeling of euphoria, then the light, lapis lazuli, leaking from your body, intensifying, a blinding nimbus, then it's gone. And so are you... somewhere, anywhere.

And it is happening to you every day.

This collection contains the novella Blue Shifting, plus seven other stories from the two-times winner of the British Science Fiction Award for Short Fiction.

Take a journey into an extraordinary universe...

...where life and love face the demands of mortality on planets as far flung as Nova Francais, Earth and Henderson's Fall.

...where mankind has become Augmented or Altered, where zebra-men talk with unicorn-women.

...and where you can break the chains of physics in the cobalt glory of the Nada-continuum.

Cover by Dominic Harman

Published: 21 Dec 2012

"The essence of modern science fiction" Bob Shaw

"SF infused with a cosmopolitan and literary sensibility" Paul McAuley

"British writing with a deft, understated touch: wonderful" New Scientist

Eric Brown

Eric Brown began writing when he was fifteen, while living in Australia, and sold his first short story to Interzone in 1986. He has won the British Science Fiction Award twice for his short stories, has published over forty books, and his work has been translated into sixteen languages. His latest books include the SF novels The Serene Invasion, Satan's Reach, and the crime novel Murder by the Book. He writes a regular science fiction review column for the Guardian newspaper and lives near Dunbar, East Lothian.

more infinity plus books by Eric Brown:

The Spacetime Pit Plus Two Microcosms: Forty-Two stories The Fall of Tartarus Deep Future Rites of Passage Salvage Parallax View infinity plus: quintet The Time-Lapsed Man and other stories Ghostwriting Penumbra The Death of Cassandra Quebec The Time-Lapsed Man Approaching Omega Meridian Days The Angels of Life and Death infinities A Writer

the infinity plus shuffle:

A Writer's Life The Euonymist The Girl with Two Souls (The Factory Girl Trilogy #1) Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop Little Sisters of the Apocalypse Take No Prisoners The Girl with No Soul (The Factory Girl Trilogy #3) Moby Jack and Other Tall Tales The Ragthorn