infinity plus

Approaching Omega by Eric Brown

Approaching Omega
Approaching Omega

//~Mission to locate Earth-temperate planet for colonisation: failed...

//~1000 years out from Earth base, damage to colony sleeper hangars 1, 3 and 4 sustained ... all lives lost ... hangars 2 and 5 still operational...

//~Mission parameters adjusted: Augmentation of colonists to commence...

//~Request all drones and ’bots to medical units to begin experimentation...

one of our bestsellers

Cover by Dominic Harman

Published: 26 Sep 2011

"British writing with a deft, understated touch: wonderful"
New Scientist

"SF infused with a cosmopolitan and literary sensibility"
Paul McAuley

"One of the very best of the new generation of British SF writers"

"Eric Brown has an enviable talent for writing stories which are the essence of modern science fiction and yet show a passionate concern for the human predicament and human values"
Bob Shaw

Eric Brown

Eric Brown began writing when he was fifteen, while living in Australia, and sold his first short story to Interzone in 1986. He has won the British Science Fiction Award twice for his short stories, has published over forty books, and his work has been translated into sixteen languages. His latest books include the SF novels The Serene Invasion, Satan's Reach, and the crime novel Murder by the Book. He writes a regular science fiction review column for the Guardian newspaper and lives near Dunbar, East Lothian.

more infinity plus books by Eric Brown:

The Spacetime Pit Plus Two Microcosms: Forty-Two stories The Fall of Tartarus Deep Future Rites of Passage Salvage Parallax View Blue Shifting infinity plus: quintet The Time-Lapsed Man and other stories Ghostwriting Penumbra The Death of Cassandra Quebec The Time-Lapsed Man Meridian Days The Angels of Life and Death infinities A Writer

the infinity plus shuffle:

Glass Microcosms: Forty-Two stories Lizard Lust Head Shots The Time-Lapsed Man and other stories The Spacetime Pit Plus Two The Girl with Two Souls (The Factory Girl Trilogy #1) The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth infinity plus: quintet Tommy Catkins